The estimated electrical consumption can be calculated by using the following formula: Estimated Electrical Consumption = Input (kW) X No. of hours used X No. of days per month X Current Utility Rate
Efficiency of the central air by and large depends on its routine maintenance.It should be tuned before the beginning of summer and winter months. Ho...
Flood situations in North America are not unusual. With tornados and hurricanes hitting the coasts, inundations in towns and cities near the shore is...
When the summer months arrive it becomes difficult to cool the home without spending much of the money. An average house spends more than 50% of thei...
In summer seasons central conditioning system contributes to the 40%-50% of total electric bills. It is not necessary to buy a new high efficiency ai...
A non-cooling air conditioner is very common issue that is often complained about by users. But you need not panic in all cases. Neither run to sched...
30 in. 500-Watt 208-Volt Electric Baseboard Heater in ...
REVCOR Blower Whl,Dia 5 3/4 In,Width 6 1/2 In
PROTECH FP-34 - Natural Gas to LP Gas Conversion Kit