ITEM#: 24188191
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As the winter starts coming nearer you may start to think about protecting your unit from cold winter days. It is necessary to take preventive steps ...
A programmable thermostat is used to set the different temperature inside your room at different time period. A programmable thermostat is highly use...
A typical summer without air conditioners in most parts of America is a panicky situation. Beads of sweat would collect and roll all over the body. Y...
It is very useful to know the components or the parts that compose your air conditioner and also their individual functions. Knowing them will help y...
Air conditioning unit has really been a boon to our human civilization.Just think of the scorching summer months when you get laden with sweat due to...
The compressor of an air conditioning system can almost be compared with the human heart. The symptoms of burnt and faulty compressors are many- nois...
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