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Why should you hire AC contractors?

Simply purchasing an air conditioner is not enough; you need to get it installed by a professional expert who knows how to get the job done right. If you don’t, you are putting your warranty at risk. In the process of self-installing the equipment, you might void your warranty which is again an invitation to further issues in the future. Hiring an AC professional ensures best results as they are trained in HVAC service - repairing and operating systems.

What is an HVAC?

HVAC short form of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems is essential for all dwellings these days. Whether it is a home or a office or a store we all want comfortable temperatures. These days there are several options, while advanced HVAC systems offer great features and help lower the utility bills. An HVAC system can be a single standalone unit or a single piece attached to the wall like a window AC or it can be a PTAC or package unit. Typical hvac systems consists of an outdoor and indoor unit. The outdoor unit is the largest component and the indoor unit also usually known as blower has air filtration built-in. Yet another essential part of the HVAC system is the ductwork which generally remains in the attic or under the floors, keeping the lines hidden.

HVAC Contractor Near Me website connects you to local air quality comfort professionals. Based on your room size and the efficiency in the system that you are looking for it will be wise to discuss your options with the service expert first. Here is most of the typically used HVAC systems.

Ductless Air Conditioners

These are also called mini split air conditioners. The air conditioning unit is divided into two components – Condenser (outdoor unit) and Air Handler (indoor unit). One condenser can be connected to multiple air handlers for different rooms. The best advantage about this type is its small size and easy installation. As there are no ducts present, it avoids losing energy like the once with ducts. Another impressive part is that you can have these air handlers wifi enabled for each individual rooms and they are great for air filtration.

Central Air Conditioning Split System

Central split systems come in different sizes to heat and cool a building of any size with multiple rooms. In this case ducts are connected to the air handlers and each rooms ends up with a duct for air flow. It is important to discuss the right size and efficiency of the unit you buy from HVAC contractors that includes some of the new advanced features available in the industry.

Portable air conditioners

As the name suggests, it is a movable air conditioning system with wheels. Portable AC’s are simple to install and they have one duct that needs to be vented outside for air exchange. They are usually considered weaker than the traditional types, but are cheap to buy and easy to install. They are usually a temporary fix or for small areas, they cannot be a whole house solution. Besides they are noisy and cannot run for longer duration.

Window air conditioners

This is the most common type of air conditioners consisting of a self-contained AC unit placed in a window. This one unit contains all the necessary refrigerating components. Hot air blows from the back out through the window when the unit cools the room blowing cool air from the front, facing inside the room. If you want an AC unit for a single room, hire a HVAC contractor for window air conditioning installation.

Wall air conditioners

This one is very similar to window air conditioners with the same functions, the only difference being the installation setting. Instead of installing it on your window, it is installed on the wall. These are effective in cooling single rooms and require to install a sleeve in the wall in order to hold the air conditioner weight. If you don’t want to give up your window for the AC or there’s no ideal window in the room, you can go with the wall air conditioner.

Packaged rooftop units

It is usually used for simple commercial use or trailer/small homes. Perfectly engineered for flexibility, serviceability and performance, these packaged rooftop units come in different sizes starting from a weight of 1.5 tons to almost or more than 150 tons of cooling capacity with the volume of the air remaining constant and air temperature is regulated in order to cope up with the cooling load requirements.

Self-contained exterior units

It is an “all-in-one” system that can be installed on the ground or rooftop outside your business or home. It consists of all the components of a complete AC system assembled in one location – compressor, evaporator and condenser. Local heat & cool technicians normally recommend these for properties with limited indoor spaces, they suggest you to go for these self-contained units. Its flexibility in design, silent operation, durable construction, low operating and installation costs make it a reliable and preferred choice for multi-story projects.


These refrigeration systems offer cooling for commercial and industrial applications. They use oils, water or other fluids as refrigerants. As they serve the significant function of creating cooling effect essential for maintaining comfort conditions, chillers have become the heart of chilled-water air conditioning system. The HVAC chillers involve condenser, compressor, evaporator, thermal expansion valve, reservoir and stabilization assembly.

VRF/VRV systems

This is a new technology named the Variable Refrigerant Volume HVAC system offering high level of flexibility and energy efficiency. They operate silently providing you the full control of surrounding temperatures. When compared to a traditional HVAC system limited to just one condenser, one evaporator and one compressor, a VRV system can be customized to meet the needs of the building.

You can get one condensing unit connected to multiple evaporators that are individually controlled. Another point of comparison reveals that the traditional HVAC system runs efficiently for a room extremely hot or cold whereas a VRV system adjusts the refrigerant amount continuously reaching to each evaporator taking the advantage of existing cool or hot air in the building, thus maintaining comfort level.

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